Laser Eye Surgery Examination
Eye scans by our Laser Eye Specialists at our hospital are more than just a simple eye test. Our highly experienced specialists will perform a series of tests and examinations to assess your refractive errors, general eye structure and overall eye health. You will also be able to discuss your personal needs and talk to them about your concerns.
You will be allocated approximately 30 minutes for the examination and evaluation interviews. The final results will tell us if you are suitable for eye surgery and, if so, what treatment would be best for you.
What awaits you in Laser Eye Examinations:
- When you arrive at our centers, you will meet your patient counselor who will explain the different steps in the examination process.
- You will answer a series of questions about your overall health and lifestyle choices so that we can fully understand your health and personal situation.
- You will undergo a series of advanced eye examinations and tests for Laser Eye Surgery.
- You will undergo a series of eye exams to determine your natural vision and current eye prescription.
- Our Laser Eye Specialist or Optician can determine if you are suitable for eye surgery based on the information you provide to us and your test results, as well as by consulting the Eye Surgeon where necessary.
- You will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout your examinations and we will provide you with the information you need to feel comfortable with your treatment.
- We see hundreds of patients every week in our hospital, but you can be sure that we show the same attention and interest to each of our patients. We want you to know that you are in good hands to ensure that your treatment process goes smoothly.